Monday, December 30, 2013


As this year closes, I look back on 2013 thinking of many happy times and sad times too.  One of the best things that happened last year was our trip to Maui to see my brother and my Ohana.  It was a trip of a lifetime!

Sometimes life throws you many twists and turns which one is never prepared for.  For instance, loss of family members.  Losing 4 in a year is way too many.

We had so many good times this year celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, school events for the kids and holidays.

Toward the end of the year I ended up breaking my ankle.  This was definitely not in my life plan. 1 month in a cast is not my idea of fun.  But, I'm getting through it with a smile on my face and a positive attitude.

For all those who've been there for me especially this year, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I wish you a Happy New Year and God's blessing upon you and your family!


Monday, September 9, 2013



B  -  Believe all things are possible

E -   Evaluate situation for what it is; not for what you want it to be

L -   Love others unconditionally

I -    Identify the needs of others

E -   Examine motives.  Are they self-serving

V -  Value yourself, value others and value all life

E -   Extend kindness to others

~ KM

Monday, August 19, 2013


The mesh veil has been lifted. A new day emerges. A wonderful transformation in the heart, mind, and soul awaits. 

 ~ KM


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Anology of a Friend


For some it takes a lifetime to learn the lessons from the trials of life whether they turn out good or bad.  For others, they learn the lesson in a short amount of time then move on. No matter the outcome one thing’s for sure, your friends will remain, at a distance or close by.  

Some fade in and out like the sun on a partly cloudy day. Even though the sun is temporarily obscured from your view you know it is there.  Still others are like the beacon of light shining from a lighthouse; strictly there to only to observe as you navigate through stormy seas of life to safer waters and guide you on your way. 

Consider yourself a scuba diver for a minute enjoying the vast array of sea life.  There are many beautiful animals in the ocean, a starfish for instance.  It’s beautiful to look at, harmless to touch.  Then, out of nowhere a Great White shark (THE TRIAL) torpedoes right for you!  The shark (trial) impacts with tremendous force, you are bruised and bitten, maybe scared for life.  But not destroyed. All of the sudden your amazing friends (dolphins) make a grand appearance, before being completely devoured, forming a shield of protection from the shark.  Your friends, (dolphins) protect you at all costs impacting the shark with lethal force.  

The scares from the trial that remain are our constant reminder to show us where we have been and how far we have come.   Trials in life don’t get easier, they get harder – tougher.  However, facing them head on with your friends by your side gives you added comfort, knowing you’re not alone.  What a fantastic feeling!

Friends resemble priceless gems found where you least expect them, truly a rare find indeed!  

~ KM

Friday, April 12, 2013

My Pep Talk

Holding onto hope in the midst of the worst chronic pain episode of my life was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. That day for me was April 6, 2013.   I have never experienced pain like this before.  It enveloped my entire body. I could barely lift my leg; it felt like a 200lb weight was weighting it down. The slightest movement was almost unbearable. But, I continue my exercises and walking practice; tears often join me. All transferring was dreaded since it caused me even more pain.   

 Imagine with me a time when you endured the worst physical pain of your life, i.e. a broken bone. Your pain scale from 1-10 is off the charts!  (Or you’ve grown so accustomed to your pain level being close to the top of the charts for so long, you now accept it as your “New Normal”.)

 When you break a bone, you experienced temporary pain, right? When you went to your doctor, you believed he or she would take care of you by setting the bone back in place and casting it so it could heal and possibly get a prescription for pain meds to take during the healing process to feel more comfortable. Then, since you are temporarily, to some extent incapacitated for let’s say 6 weeks, you experience some down time in your hectic life.  You hadn’t planned for this unforeseen event which has occurred. During this time you may feel discouraged because you are now limited with what you can do and need help with basic tasks you had no problem accomplishing before.  You’re not 100% yet. 
 Six weeks pass and you return to your doctor for a follow-up visit, they x-ray the break to determine if the break has healed completely and properly.  Once it has healed, the cast is removed, and the real work anxiously waits for you.  Physical and/or Occupational therapy begins.  The therapist(s) will show you and give you exercises best suited to aid in your improvement, but you have to be willing to do the work, only you can do.  

 I won’t sugar coat this in any way.  I use to dread therapy with such ardor, but now I embrace it (sometimes not happily, mind you) as if they are long-lost friends. They are constant companions and make their daily absence known when I neglect them because of the physical pain. Physical Therapy hurts sometimes more than the initial circumstances which got me here in the first place.  Many days I’ve been in so much physical pain that no one should have to endure.  But, no matter what I don’t give up.  That’s not an option I entertain anymore!   There are some days I feel as though I’ve been in a knock down drag out boxing match with Mike Tyson. I know this is a bad reference, but I know you get my point. 

To this day, I still want to see/feel instant results from my painful hard work, but I know that’s unrealistic.  I’ve done therapy for basically my entire life; at one point I stopped altogether because I got sick and tired of it.  In all honesty I wish I hadn’t now.  I’ve learned the longer I put my daily therapy off, the harder it has been to regain lost ground.  My therapists' were right, if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it!  I now look at therapy as an adventure not a painful task, because now I understand the full extent to which it has and will positively benefit all aspects of my life. With my new pain meds on board, pain level down substantially and under control, I am ready to continue pressing on to make me as mobile as possible.  I have had to force myself to keep moving even though I hurt 24/7.  I can’t control my circumstances, but I have total control with how I deal with it!

 I will experience physical pain for the rest of my life.  But, with my strong faith in God, daily painful exercises, my pain meds, the support/encouragement of my family/friends, my staying positive & believing in myself I will get through this.

 If God takes you to it, He’ll get you through it, but I know you have to participate.  No sitting on the sidelines this time.  That’s not an alternative! I have to give it you all; nothing else will do.
 God’s with me every step of the way and He’ll give me the strength I need. 

This song is one of my favorites and keeps me motivated.

Can’t Give Up Now, by Mary Mary

Saturday, March 30, 2013

2012 Pics

Friends from High School

Friends from former church

My bestie

Another pic with High School friends

My other bestie

Photos of some awesome people in my life.

My Crafts

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What's Important

God you are slowly opening my eyes to see what is truly important in the world.  Sometimes as society what we see as important is not as important to You and Your plans for our lives are much grander than we could ever fathom.  You see the bigger picture in our lives from the very beginning to the very end; we only see the here and now.  Why do we as human beings, always want to follow our plans and our dreams when they might not be Yours?  It would be so much simpler just to follow after the dreams that You have for our lives and what You want us to do to further Your plans for the world.  We can fight You every step of the way, which I have been known to do, but in the end Your will always takes precedence.  God remove my tunnel vision and help me to see everything through your eyes. 


I like to view life this way especially when I stumble and lose my way:

I see it as participating in a never-ending baseball game and You’re the coach God.  In our attempt to obtain that treasured home run, there is no limit to how many strikes we accumulate trying to hit the ball.  The 3 strikes you're out rule does not apply. 

God will continue to pour down His grace, love, and forgiveness upon us while building up our endurance and making us the best that we can be.  He will continue to let us try and try again until we hit that Home Run in life and slide into home base!  When we finally do, God will be our loudest, most exuberant fan, and cheerleader we will ever have.  God never gives up on us, so why should we give up on Him!

~ KM


Sunday, January 13, 2013


Some of my favorite lines taken from one of my favorite movies:  EVAN ALMIGHTY

“If you ask God to give you patients, does He give you patients?  Or, the opportunity to be patient.  If you asked God for courage, does he give you courage, or the opportunity to be courageous?  If you ask God to make your family closer, does God give you warm fuzzy feelings, or opportunities to love each other more?”
What I am learning is to enjoy and cherish the opportunities that God has given me.  These opportunities are such precious gifts from above and I am so humbled to think that He chose me to share them with even when I'm stubborn. God never ceases to amaze me with his generosity and constant love. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

TESTING: The Strengthening Of Your Faith

Excerpts Taken from The Woman’s Bible- New King James Version

In a sense, everyday life is a test of our relationship with God.  But, to each person come seasons of special joy or adversity.  Both good times and bad times present opportunities for testing our trust in the Lord.

Testing comes through the circumstances of our lives so that we can know our own hearts more insightfully and appreciate God’s grace is more deeply.

Conversation with God

“Jesus, I’m on my way back to you.”
Look out world:  I’m spiritually and physically getting stronger, healthier, wiser, plus developing more
self-confidence, baby!  I know the latter will be a daily struggle, but I am certainly up for the challenge-you better believe it. My short sabbatical has done me a world of good.   Who wants to be around a 24/7 sour puss   LOL  Not me!   

 "My desire is to add to life, to inspire those around me, and not take away from life!"

 An extremely big THANK YOU for the (figurative) smack upside the head. Jesus, obviously that's exactly what I needed, and You certainly have a way of getting my attention when I'm not listening.  Please don't ever allow me to get this distant from you again, and help me put my words into action with You and others once more. Help me to "trust" in you more, all aspects of my me to do less talking and more listening (that's going to be a hard one for me).    haha

I want to be the positive, fun-loving, kind, caring and compassionate woman You created me to be again.  Somehow, I have lost my way.  Jesus, I ask that You make  me a better person. I kneel down before You with a tired and broken spirit.  Please heal me on the inside-renew me so that You can touch other peoples live through me once more.  My life is in Your hands.