The Day I Was Known As “Scooter”.
night at work, I was out of my scooter building great works of art out
of Legos with the kids. A 3 year old, walked into the room and asked me
about my chair and what it was called. I said, it is a scooter,
sweetie. Then, the child went off to play with the other kids; I
thought the subject was closed. Or so I thought. He came back and asked
if I would lift him up and put him in the seat. I put him in the
chair; he was thrilled and pretended to drive it. I lost track of how
many times he wanted to sit in my chair that night. He wouldn't let any
of the other kids near it. The unofficial "Guardian" of my chair. lol
Later, another new child entered the room and came right over to me. I
said, hi what is your name? I am Teacher Kathleen. Before this
precious child had a chance to respond, the child who asked me about my
chair pipes up and says her name isn’t Kathleen. Her name is:
Scooter!!!! From that moment on, I was known as Scooter to this child.
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