Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I have clawed my way to the top of the highest mountain… I have sailed through the raging seas of shark-infested waters.  My luxurious yacht has sustained much wear and tear during this great voyage known as life.
 Is that?  Could that be?  Do my eyes deceive me, as I shield them from the blazing rays of the sun?  It could be a mirage, or maybe not.  I cut the engine and drift closer, the invisible veil lifts from my eyes.  One door has finally closed as another opens.
It's official, I've graduated from "PHYSICAL THERAPY BOOT CAMP" today!  WHOO HOO…  Yah baby!  I have been kicked out!  Can you imagine that?  I've never been kicked out of anything before.  My physical therapist, said, I'm doing great, she can tell that I have been really working hard and that massages would be greatly beneficial.  Now I need to continue working out and walking daily!

So, how are all of you today?


  1. That is awesome!! It seems a little strange to congratulate you on being kicked out of something, but that is so cool. Plus any excuse to get a massage is good enough for me!

  2. Thanks Amber. HAHA It's been a rough haul so far, but I'm getting there.
